BALIDEA releases the new website of the European Fisheries Control Agency

BALIDEA releases the new website of the European Fisheries Control Agency

Balidea releases new website for the Community Agency for Fisheries Control, agency that Balidea works as a provider of IT services since the year 2013.

The Community Agency Control of Fisheries (ACCP), is an agency of the European Union, created in 2005, technical and administrative. Its mission is to ensure the implementation of the common fisheries policy of the Union. Its President is the Portuguese Marcelo de Vasconcelos and the Executive Director is Pascal Savouret. The Agency has its headquarters in the city of Vigo (Pontevedra), operating at its current site since July 1, 2008.

The Mission of the Agency is to improve the enforcement of the common fisheries policy. The Agency's function is to coordinate the policies of the Member States of the European Union, with regard to the control of the fishing grounds. That includes, among other functions, the organize the deployment of media following a common strategy, to training fisheries inspectors, supply technical teams and promote the creation of groups of inspectors that reflect the different nationalities of the Union.

Take a look at the website.

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